New happy client testimonial

1 Oct, 2015 | Maki Yamamoto | No Comments

New happy client testimonial

Hi, just recently, I received happy message from my client, I thought I would share with you.


Back in April, I tested positive on pap smear test, so you treated me in June.
I think you got rid of it or chased it away from the area for me.

He also did another pap-smear and I tested negative.

That’s a great news!!



Did you know?

you might think an abnormal Pap smear means that you have cervical cancer, the fact is that the majority of abnormal Pap smears are not caused by cervical cancer. The more likely cause of abnormal Pap smear results is inflammation or a vaginal infection.

Whatever her case was, I am just happy that it turned out negative!

Right after the biomagnetism treatment, she told me that she immediately felt light, more energy, different in good way.

Although, not everyone has immediate good reaction like her.  Some people do take 4-5 session to feel the positive change.

It all depends on the person and each case is different : )

Although, I believe your own body will always choose safe ways to heal.Happy