Seminar with Dr. Miguel Ojeda

13 Nov, 2015 | Maki Yamamoto | No Comments

Seminar with Dr. Miguel Ojeda

Hi all, I just came back from this amazing seminar led by biomagnetism USA seminar.

Dr. Miguel is not just genius, but he truly is an amazing human being.

I was able to deepen my knowledge of biomagnetism, ( actually bioenergetics ).

I had chance to become one of the lucky client in the seminar.

( I was able to received his bioenergetic therapy.)

Although, somehow, something in me wanted to run away from the session.

( not just because 20 people were there and watching me. )

I realized I was hiding something deep inside me and I probably have cocooned it with everything

available inside my body, including pathogens.

At the beginning of the session, Doctor Ojeda asked me, “do you really want to heal?”,

IMG_0140looking straight into my eyes.

I said “yes” sheepishly, but I knew it was not true.

When Dr. Ojeda asked me for the second time,

“do you really want to heal?” with those piercing eyes,

my eyes quickly run (rolled) away from his gaze.

That itself was kind of funny and we both laughed.

From there, it was truly magical.

According to the Dr., my feeling was hurt when I was fetus and I have decided to deform myself.

( I have an odd shape back bone, which was supposed to be the source of back pain, which I had

it for years, according to a Western Medicine doctors and results of X rays. )

Dr. Ojeda went on to say that I had an identical conflict,  just about 15 days after my Mother had conceive me.

All of sudden, tears roll down my cheeks ( as to my surprise).  Obviously,  I had no memories of myself  in Mom’s womb.

Dr. Ojeda attempted to clear my energy block ( rewriting of my DNA recording. ) with magnets to end the therapy.

That evening, I went home to my Mother (who coincidentally lived near the seminar area), and asked

about the time of her pregnancy with me.

My Mom have verified everything Doctor had said was indeed correct.

She told me, that she had worried very much about what went on in her life could have give bad

influence to the baby in her tummy, which was me, of course. ( I will not reveal any further details of what

went of with her life, due to her privacy.)

My Mother said to me, ” Just as I thought.. but I am glad that Doctor has cleared all the bad things from you.”

I felt so light that night, ( I am generally happy going person.. so I would not have known if I had any heaviness or

negative feelings in me.. ) and so blessed.  It was as something heavy has lifted, and for a couple of days,

I felt as I was walking in the cloud nine, if not 10!
Mahalo nui loa, Dr. Ojeda, you are truly amazing!!