Hawaiian Marimo

29 Jun, 2016 | Maki Yamamoto | No Comments

Hawaiian Marimo


Three little Marimos

Friend of mine brings these little green moss like plant call Marimos from Japan.

They are from lake in Northern Japan called Hokkaido, where their climate is usually cold throughout the year.

Unfortunately, weather is too hot for them here in Hawaii, and usually Marimo gradually fell apart and died.

Every time I told my friend, “it died again”, she brought new ones. ( To make me happy, I guess. )

I felt bad for Marimos that I knew they were going to die, if brought up here.

After repeating this sad routine for few times, I’ve finally told her, “please don’t bring Marimos any more.  They will not survive here in Hawaii  and I feel bad about it.”  She was surprised and said ” Oh, I am sorry, I had no idea…”

So my last three Marimos from Hokkaido was about to finish their life spun in Hawaii, they started to fell apart.

All of sudden, I had an idea of using Leiki on my Marimos!

I’ve spoken to them and apply Leiki energy on them, every day for about 1 min or so.

Strange thing happened.  Three separate Marimo got together and stuck to each other one morning,

as to me, they were supporting each other!

After about a week, I can see each Marimo were getting larger, still stuck to one another.

I thought it was my imagination at first, but it did get bigger and bigger,

I finally had to change the container to larger size.

Also, they were not falling apart any more.

After about 3 weeks, something told me they were ready.

I took scissors out and cut them back into three balls, to individualize them again.


This process was a small miracle for me!

I don’t know how they are surviving in this hot climate, but I think, when there is Love,

anything can survive through any conditions challenged.