QHHT – Float in the sea of light

17 Jul, 2022 | Maki Yamamoto | No Comments

QHHT – Float in the sea of light

Everyone falls into past/other realms in different way.

Now, client who just came yesterday had very interesting journey.

Usually, in QHHT, we will start by asking you to imagine the most beautiful place in the World,

but N, she went directly into the beautiful blue light! LOLā€¦. like her soul was waiting for this chance.

She has explained to me how different color was appearing and she was floating body-less, feeling neutral but serene. She told me she never felt that way. There was no over joy, no sadness, just content.

Just pure nothingness, no need of anything. She experienced rainbow color, red, green, lavender, blue like ocean then very very white light. It was so bright, she told me later that she actually thought I was flashing something on her faceā€¦ but not a bad feeling while in it, still content, but just bright.

After a while, I tried to move her to other times, but each time I tried, she went right back into the light. LOL and she tells me she is enjoying just being there. She said there is really no need for anything else.

Iā€™ve asked her if there was anyone elseā€¦ she said Ah! I am not alone, there is no loneliness, feels like everyone is here, but no one is here.

Iā€™ve asked her to show us another important time, and place, finally she was able to see grass, I finally thought she reincarnated somewhere, but what she thought of grass at first turned into Earth, and again! she was in the air looking down to the Earth, without body, LOLā€¦ and she said there was shower of green light. Something told me green light is healing color. She said there are tons of green light, itā€™s illuminating and sparkling and falling towards Earth. She said Earth is enclosed by this beautiful shower of light, continuously. She said but no one noticeā€¦ How did I not noticeā€¦Ah, because we are down there, you canā€™t see unless you are up hereā€¦ I want everyone to notice, we are protected.

After hour plus of floating in different types of shower of light, she finally was able to go back to her past life. Just oneā€¦ and later on we realized her Karma was already served. For some reason, before we started, I told her, ā€I have a feeling your karma is already cleared.ā€ turned out it was : )

I always ask my clients to bring in 1 Ultimate question, and seek for the answer from SC (Subconscious) at the end of the session. Her question was ā€˜how can she assist for World Peaceā€¦to help in achieving peace on Earthā€™. Well, this was what her SC told herā€¦ ā€œ There is no need for you to assist anything. Just continue to be you, stay and do exactly what you do and everything will be okay. : )

After the session, she had tears in her eyesā€¦ she said ā€œMaki, light was really really beautifulā€¦ so so beautiful and the feeling, it was such a beautiful experience!ā€. I am glad she enjoyed her session : )